H&M Launches Online Shopping in the U.S. + A Great Contest to Celebrate!
I am very excited to announce that I've partnered with H&M to celebrate their launch of
online shopping today in the U.S.! As a longtime fan of H&M, I was very happy to hear that they were introducing e-commerce to U.S. shoppers, and I was even more thrilled when I was asked to be Colorado's Blogger Ambassador for the
50 States of Fashion Contest they're running as part of the celebration--see the details below for how you can enter to win one of
5 $250 gift cards or a
$1,000 online shopping spree plus a trip to New York Fashion Week!
H&M's fall collection is now online, and in the photos here, I've styled a couple of my favorite pieces that are currently available on the brand-new site. I like that these pieces would work for a less formal day at the office (with a more subdued jacket) but could transition seamlessly to an evening out.

More on the
50 States of Fashion Contest--entering to win is really easy! All you have to do is
post an Instagram photo relating to the theme of personal style
with the hashtag that corresponds to the state in which you are located. For my fellow Coloradans, our hashtag is #HMShopOnlineCO. If you are in New York, you'd hashtag #HMShopOnlineNY; for California, #HMShopOnlineCA; for Arizona, #HMShopOnlineAZ, and so on. The photo can be of you in your outfit of the day, of a favorite #throwback outfit, of your handbag collection, of your favorite accessories--whatever highlights
your personal style!
Your photo will be featured on the
50 States of Fashion site in a gallery where people can like or vote on your look, and you can vote on your favorite looks from each state as well. The top 5 looks from each state will be the finalists for the prizes, so make sure you encourage friends and family to like/vote for your look, too! You can post as many photos as you'd like to increase your chances of winning. (See the
official rules for the fine print.)
P.S. If you click on the "Ambassadors" tab, you can see yours truly as well as all of the other State Blogger-Ambassadors and check out their takes on H&M's online collection.